How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 10
A. Windows Subsystem for Linux
1. Search for "Turn Windows features on or off" in the Windows search bar
2. Turned on "Windows Subsystem for Linux” from the list
3. Restart machine
B. Install Ubuntu
1. Type "Microsoft Store" in the Windows search bar
2. Navigate to the Microsoft Store and look for Ubuntu.
3. Choose Ubuntu and then Install. It will take some time to install.
4. Once installed, a new bash window or terminal will appear and will ask you to set a username and password.
5. Now, Ubuntu is ready for use.
6. You can find more details here:
We will use the following basic commands in the Ubuntu terminal.
To know what directory you are in, use command,
If you want to list the files inside the current directory use the command,
If you want to create a directory or folder,
mkdir dir1
If you want to go to a different directory,
cd dir1
If you want to go back one directory,
cd ..
To go to your home directory,
cd ~
To copy a file into another directory,
cp file1.text dir1/file1.text
To move a file into another directory or file (rename),
mv file1.text file2.text
mv file2.text dir1
To copy a file from a given directory into the current directory,
cp dir1/file2.txt .
To become a root user, follow these commands. This will give you absolute power over the system, so be very careful.
Please visit the website below, which provides a very good introduction to Linux commands.
Install nano text editor (to read code or files in Ubuntu)
sudo apt install nano
How to install OpenFOAM 9 on Ubuntu WSL
OpenFOAM 9 is latest version released by OpenFOAM foundation (
The detailed instructions on how to install OpenFOAM 9 on windows are given here
Please follows instruction below.
2. Copy and paste the following command:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo sh -c "wget -O - | apt-key add -"
sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openfoam9
This will take some time to compile.
3. Only do this once after installing OpenFOAM 9. Open the .bashrc file in the user’s home directory in an editor, e.g. by typing in a terminal window (note the dot)
nano ~/.bashrc
4. At the bottom of that file, add the following line and save the file
alias of9='. /opt/openfoam9/etc/bashrc'
4. Please keep in mind that in order to activate the OpenFOAM 9 environment, you always need to type the following command every time you open a new Ubuntu terminal.
5. To check installation, run the following command in a new terminal.
simpleFoam -help
How to Install Foam-extend 4.1 on Ubuntu-WSL
Foam-extend 4.1 is available here for download:
Please follow the procedure given below to install foam-extend 4.1.
A. Install dependencies
Run the following commands on a new Ubuntu terminal to install the requisite software/packages for compiling foam-extend 4.1
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential binutils-dev cmake flex \
zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev curl bison \
libxt-dev rpm mercurial graphviz python python-dev gcc-7 g++-7
B. Get the source code of foam-extend 4.1
The best way to install foam-extend is to get source code through git source code management system as we will get updated version of the code. Run the following command
cd ~
mkdir foam
cd foam
git clone git:// foam-extend-4.1
This will take some time to pull foam-extend 4.1 into your system.
C. Compile
1. Now, run following commands to compile the code
cd ~/foam/foam-extend-4.1
echo "export WM_CC='gcc-7'" >> etc/
echo "export WM_CXX='g++-7'" >> etc/
source etc/bashrc
2. Only do this once after installing Foam-extend 4.1. Open the .bashrc file in the user’s home directory in an editor, e.g. by typing in a terminal window (note the dot)
nano ~/.bashrc
3. At the bottom of that file, add the following line and save the file
alias fe41='. $HOME/foam/foam-extend-4.1/etc/bashrc'
4. Above command will create alias fe41. Now, run following command in the terminal.
sed -i -e 's=rpmbuild --define=rpmbuild --define "_build_id_links none" --define=' ThirdParty/tools/makeThirdPartyFunctionsForRPM
sed -i -e 's/gcc/\$(WM_CC)/' wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/c
sed -i -e 's/g++/\$(WM_CXX)/' wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/c++
3. Start compiling the foam-extend 4.1 code
The compilation may take few hours of time, depending on your machine configurations.
D. For more details visit here
How to install GeoChemFOAM 4.6
Dr Julien Maes and Dr Hannah Menke of Heriot-Watt University, UK developed GeoChemFoam, an OpenFOAM-based package developed to perform reactive multiphase transport simulation at the micro-scale. To know more please visit
Please follow instuction below to install GeoChemFoam solver
1. Launch a new Ubuntu terminal window.
2. To make a directory, copy and paste the following command.
mkdir $HOME/works
cd $HOME/works
3. Use the following command to clone GeoChemFoam 4.6 from github.
git clone GeoChemFoam-4.6
4. Make the following changes to the etc/bashrc file (i.e. copy and paste below text in etc/barshrc of the GeoChemFoam 4.6 ):
# .bashrc
# Change according to your GeoChemFoam installation directory
# Change according to your openfoam installation directory
export FOAM_INST_DIR=$HOME/foam
source $HOME/foam/foam-extend-4.1/etc/bashrc
export OF9_DIR=$HOME/OpenFOAM
#Third party software
source $GCFOAM_DIR/ThirdParty/bashrc
alias dir='cd $GCFOAM_DIR'
alias src='cd $GCFOAM_DIR/src'
alias app='cd $GCFOAM_DIR/applications'
alias tut='cd $GCFOAM_DIR/tutorials'
Then source bashrc file
source etc/bashrc
First compiles PhreeqcRM. This module can be found in the ThirdParty folder.
cd ThirdParty
This compilation will take some time. Now, move back to the previous folder and compile the GeoChemFoam solver. Run the following command on the Ubuntu terminal.
cd ..
To check installation
How to install latest version of Paraview 5.10
We will install Paraview on a Windows system instead of Ubuntu.
1. Navigate to
2. Download the Windows version 5.10 (ParaView-5.10.1-Windows-Python3.9-msvc2017-AMD64).
3. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions on Windows.
A demonstration of the above procedure is given in the YouTube video below.